Aug 08, 2004 18:44
(See the disclaimer in the 2nd post :) )
The past hour or so has been absolutely insane.
First Wesley, who I don't think I like very much. He seems to be way on the side of unstable, plus, he's still hitting on piper.
Then Angelina shows up. She's so sweet, and I feel so bad for everything that's happened to her. At least while she's here, I'm going to make sure nothing else goes wrong. She's too young to have so much tragedy in her life. Once people stop showing up on my doorstep, I want to track down her family and see if the demon was teling the truth or not, make sure they're all ok.
When things with Angelina started to settle down, the doorbell rang. Again. The probability of one of these people being demons is veryvery high, espeically with our track record. but this woman said she knew Willow Rosenberg, who I know for a fact is on our side, and its hard to not want to help someone who looks as shaken as Tara.
And as soon as I'd sat *her* down, Chris appears. And not baby Chris, either. Full grown nephew from the future Chris.
To make things worse, I'm pretty sure I heard more voices in the living room with Piper. How many people are planning on visiting today? Really, I could use a ballpark figure...