Welcome! (And Old Icons)

Nov 29, 2010 13:40

So, I'm making this purely for a place to make icons and such... Do 100 icon things, stuff like that. I used to have one of these ages ago that I started a Imagineering 100 icon thing on, but I lost the login info. And I miss it, so I'm making another. ^^

And to start it off, I've decided to post some of my old icons. A large portion of these are from an icon making contest on a Phantom of the Opera forum I used to frequent, but some are from that old journal, and some are just things I made for forums and stuff. It's not all of my icons... Just the ones I like best or won awards.

Anyway, enjoy!

Phantom of the Opera




Table created with accio.nu's icon table(less) generator
  A little bonus about that last one in the other section... The art is, of course, from Heroes, but the text was actually based on a poem I wrote inspired by that character. Here it is, the best I can remember it, anyway...

Do you see the girl in the mirror?
Her eyes, her face, her hair
The same as me, but different
A figure who isn't there

Do you see the girl in the mirror?
Trapped while I am free
Do you know that reflection?
That girl ISN'T ME

corpse bride, disney, heroes, princess tutu, phantom of the opera, crossover, icons

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