Sep 11, 2003 15:44
I just woke up and I'm going to write down what part of this dream I can remember.
All these negative dreams....
I think what I remembered first was that Bobby and I were considering moving in with Melissa and Andrew. But the only thing I remember after that, that included them, was that I brought Andrew to work. I didn't want him walking.
But for some reason we decided to move in with Nicole and Calvin. I think they had moved somewhere around the Pine Street Road area or maybe the nice (not ghetto) part of the Pondarosas. One thing I noticed was that Calvin was never around. He would leave early in the morning and come back after we went to bed I guess. Nicole was trying her hardest to fix up the place. Besides the bathrooms, there were 3 basic rooms. Nicole and Calvin's which was right when you walked through the door, kind of like the living room area. Then, there was the kitchen. Then there was another room which was mine and Bobby's. The place was completely horrid. There were bats in the closets and roaches and spiders everywhere. Since Nicole was working on their room by the time we moved in, she let us sleep in her room too for now. Another odd thing was that I was still in school. Senior year. This is where everything turns around.
We are in the gym for some kind of presentation thing. On the bleachers, no one is sitting directly next to me. I didn't see Heather anywhere. Katie and Christy were behind me and I saw Sherie Miller and some other people. I can't remember who was the meanest there besides was someone I knew though. But Katie, Christy, Sherie, and the other ones who I knew but can't remember were dogging me really bad. They were calling me pig and just saying really mean things, like they never liked me and stuff and I just remembered who another person was...Nicole Walker...I don't know why she was hanging out with them but she was. But I can't remember what all was said but it hurt me bad and I just sat there and took it. And Christy kept on yanking really hard at my hair and by this time, I had started bawling crying. I remember dropping Bobby's keys to the car under the bleachers. But I didn't get it just then. But like I said, I didn't say a word to them, I was just crying really hard. And they were laughing at me and Christy was saying that she thought it was halarious and look how I wouldn't say anything now and that I wasn't as full of courage as I thought I was. and blah blah blah. So everyone is laughing and all of a sudden, someone had some up behind me and was hugging me and their head was on my shoulder...the girls were still laughing but 1 person was comforting me without saying anything. I didn't know who it was at first but I could tell it was a girl from their arms. I turned my head a little and it was Kendall. She just kept hugging me and she even cried with me I think. I began to hug her back and I must have blanked out for a second and didn't hear the bell. People were piling out of the gym. I was the only one left on the bleachers so I went under them and got the keys and left. When I walked outside, Kendall had already left so I didn't get to thank her. All of a sudden it turned into the yard of my old house. Appearantly I had lived there and was moving out. But people in big trucks and stuff were taking everything. Mr. Preston lived in Tammy's house next door instead of his house across the street. He called me over and said that the people I was hanging out with stole things off his truck and I was like no they wouldn't do that. Like I said, Heather and them weren't in the dream but I immediately thought of her and Amanda and Crystal and Melissa and all them. Appearantly, I had thrown lots of parties. But I told Mr. Preston that I thought I knew who it was. In my mind, I thought about Ricky and all of his crew. But he kept on bitching at me. It was mean. So I just left and at the end of the dream, I walked into Nicole's and Bobby and Calvin were at work. Nicole had redone everything and it looked really nice but the only specific thing I remembered about it was that her room was purple and white. Me and her were joking around and saying that we loved being friends and something about being glad we get to hang out alot again.
The End.
It was totally strange but hurt me really bad, just like the last one..