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lotus0kid August 26 2008, 18:54:46 UTC
I think the Tyler sub-plot is just establishing a larger arc. I know Manservant Neville's in the comics, so I think he has a definite role to play. I'm hoping the rumors are true and he runs an organization that's like the KAOS to the Middleman's Control.

You're so right about Mind!Ida. All collected and sympathetic, but still sharp. Lovely.

Ohh yeah, MM trying the lamps. It was a real toss-up for me whether he would or not. In the end I'm glad he did because, you're right, it's good to remember that he's not perfect and he's just as curious about his mysterious boss(es) as anyone.

I realized lately that we've kinda lost touch with Lacey's activist/artist side, what with all the romance and the goings-on. It was great to see that come back a bit, i.e. "Why don't you apply for the job?" "I would, but I'm wanted in three states." (Also, I couldn't help thinking how great all these details are for fic-writing. ^^)

I think I liked Tyler a bit more this episode, he didn't seem too written!awesome, as you say. And I'm really ( ... )


visiblemarket August 27 2008, 18:07:05 UTC
I know, I know, but since there's like one episode to go, it's hardly going to be a very large arc.

I'd like to think if I were an android and had a mind-like presence, it would be just like that. Decorated the same way and everything, very serene.

He's like a very cute kitten, with all that curiosity.

Hee. And it's also a nice bit of continuity; when she was talking about why she had to take a job as a waitress instead of something else, she told Wendy that her permanent record made it difficult for her to get something else. I wonder what she did, really.

I am too, but I get the feeling it'll just be hinted out, and there'll be some big reveal, and then...the episode will end, and we won't find out the rest. Until next season, I guess. If it happens. *sigh*


lotus0kid August 27 2008, 18:16:05 UTC
Yeah, I guess so. But, hey, isn't starting a potentially large new arc a good indication that they'll have a second season?

I wonder what she did, really.
Dunno, could be any number of charity-related shenanigans. Three's an awful lot of states to be wanted in. And, yeah, yay for fun continuity details!

Yeah, that's what I'm betting- but that makes me excited, because it indicates there will be a second season. :D


visiblemarket August 27 2008, 18:20:18 UTC
It...indicates that they're hoping to have a second season. I'm worried. More worried than I was about Reaper and I was plenty worried about Reaper.

I'll bet she's chained herself to a whole bunch of things. That's probably it.

It just makes me more nervous. Everything makes me nervous, though. I should try hopeful, it might be better for my health.


lotus0kid August 27 2008, 18:31:36 UTC
*sigh* Well, if it's just this season, it's just this season. But I'll still hope it manages at least one more.

Heh, yeah, maybe called in a bomb-threat or two. No actual bombs, just shaking up the corrupted squares.

That tends to be my experience. ^^


visiblemarket August 27 2008, 18:33:19 UTC
*fingers crossed*

Probably so. Sneaking into animal testing labs and freeing the animals.

Yeah...but why would I want to be healthy, really? Waste of time.


lotus0kid August 27 2008, 18:39:14 UTC
*fingers crossed*

Yeah, I could see that.

Not as much a waste of time as being sick, I've found.


visiblemarket August 27 2008, 18:41:08 UTC
*finger crossed fist pump* Art crawl!

Ohh, Lacey. I really would like to see her out protesting something again. She was a lot better in this episode, as you said, but I still missed it. ("French cuisine kills bunnies!")

Well, that's true.


lotus0kid August 27 2008, 18:46:34 UTC
Art crawl! And Meme Crawl, BTW, if you were wondering about that porn from before.

Same. Hey, how about she realizes that Fatboy is really an evil organization that has sucked Tyler in, and she starts protesting outside the building with giant "FREE TYLER FORD" signs?


visiblemarket August 27 2008, 18:48:56 UTC
Art crawl! Oh, really now? I added a couple to the list, but I haven't had time to read them. Properly, anyway. But I'm sure it's awesome

*snort* That would be hilarious. I actually really loved that she and Tyler are friendly, and it's not weird and it doesn't make Wendy jealous...it's great stuff.


lotus0kid August 27 2008, 18:56:09 UTC

Same. I hope we get to see more interaction with them- they really do bounce off each other well.


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