Perfunctory Housekeeping Fic Posting

Jul 05, 2008 01:31

Well, a kind of sequel to Catching Up, more in spirit than in...actual narrative...something. I'm eloquent. From the same rounds_of_kink prompt, although this the one I actually posted there.

Title: Slowing Down
Pairing/character: Peter/Claude
Rating: PG13! Because there's now...actual slash!
Summary: First season, pre-slash, run of the mill conversation in an alley. OR IS IT?!? Yes, it might be something actually beyond talking! Rejoice!
Disclaimer:: As per usual, no, not mine at all.
A/N: Do not, under any circumstances, encourage me to make this a trilogy sort of thing. Please. Don't. My weak little mind could not refuse, and then where would we be?

You keep tryin’ to be a bloody martyr, Pete, and you’ll end up dead, with the only real question being who you’re going to take with you when you go.

peter, claude, fic:heroes, fic, plaude

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