So sayeth Thomas C. Schelling. Nobel Laureate in Economics, and also, potentially, bondage enthusiast? Okay, probably not the bondage, or so I hope, for my own state of mind.
Anyway...he was the guy who just made my afternoon kind of torture. Because although today was the last day of classes, my econ professor did give us homework, due tonight at ten. And homework, due next Tuesday, at ten.
And thanks to that I missed like half of Reaper. And the half I saw I'm not too happy with. But I am happy it got renewed for a second season, so, I guess it balances out?
Also, where the heck is
c_quinn? Does anyone know? I'm starting to get worried.
Gah, I need sleep. And will actually be getting some this week. Yay.
First exam on Friday, art history, is pretty much in the bag, although not so much with German, which is on Saturday (!) at 8 am. Which kinda sucks, but what can you do?