Wow, Aren't I...Literal.

Apr 22, 2008 00:47

And also, aren't I very easily susceptible to peer pressure. Or even the suggestion thereof. Oh, I'm lame.

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like ( Read more... )

bennet, peter, claude, fic:heroes, heroes, adam, maya, meme, mohinder, fic

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c_quinn April 22 2008, 12:55:49 UTC
Well I admire you for doing this; those time constraints would ruin me.

And ain’t that a kick in the head.


And you should write the follow-up to Mr. Bojangles. Claude needs to take his poodle dancing.


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:26:22 UTC
Heh. They pretty much ruined me, too. Too much stress.

And you should write the follow-up to Mr. Bojangles. Claude needs to take his poodle dancing.

Yeah, why am I not at all surprised to hear that?


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:31:07 UTC
Yeah, why am I not at all surprised to hear that?

Well... you did say you were going to write fluff...


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:33:10 UTC
Well, I was trying to! I started some...


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:37:54 UTC
Then you should finish it. To ease the pain of Reaper tonight.

*I was thinking about attempting this meme but-- The first song on my shuffle was "March Of The Witch Hunters" and I knew I was screwed.


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:41:01 UTC
I don't think I'll have the time, before then.

*snort* Well, how did you think I felt about "A Sentimental Man". And it's like a minute and sixteen seconds long!


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:42:52 UTC
Not even a drabble?

*Heh. Wicked betrays us. Of course, my song was followed by Eric Clapton's "Tears In Heaven" and I just sighed. Too much angst.


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:45:02 UTC
Not even a drabble.

*I couldn't have gotten the John McCain speech I happen to have from my speechwriting class? That's like 20 minutes long! No, I had to get short songs. I'm surprised at how much angst I was able to get out of songs that aren't inherently angsty.


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:45:51 UTC
*sniffle* Oh.

*That's because you're quite the angsty sort.


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:47:30 UTC
*sigh* Maybe between German and Econ I can knock something out. Maybe.

*Probably so. Still: it was surprising.


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:48:23 UTC
*kiss* Bless you.

*I've decided this is not the meme for me. At all. I'm going to just stick with my chapter and leave this to... other people.


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:49:28 UTC
Wait till I actually do write it to bless me.

*Heh. Impressionable ones?


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:50:13 UTC
I like to bless early; makes things go more smoothly.



visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:51:49 UTC
Really? Has that actually worked for you, like, ever?

*I just did it because I was feeling strangely competitive. And curious.


c_quinn April 22 2008, 15:52:28 UTC
Several times.

*I'll let you have the competition; I'll take the easy way out.


visiblemarket April 22 2008, 15:54:38 UTC
Huh. Not so much with me, though.

*That's my move, you know.


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