Fic: Close Up

Feb 10, 2009 13:41

Title: Close Up
Characters: Peter, Matt, Mohinder, Hiro, and Ando. But mostly Peter.
Pairings: None. I know. I'm shocked. All right, it's about as subtextually slashy as a real episode would be, nothing more or less.
Rating: PG13, if that. Probably not even that.
Warnings: I honestly can't think of any.
Spoilers: Up through " Trust and Blood".
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peter, fic:heroes

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lotus0kid February 10 2009, 22:00:30 UTC
He wishes for training, experience, world-weary cynicism that’ll get him through it even as he knows they probably wouldn’t work.
Haven’t, in the past, he remembers; not if he’d had anything to do with them, and maybe he still feels guilty about that.
Aww, Peter *pats*. This is great, a really interesting look into his head, while also feeling very realistic to what could happen on the show.

worth a post to peterandclaude or no?
Sure! We always need more fic, and I'm pretty sure the comm rules are Peter and/or Claude, not just Peter/Claude.


visiblemarket February 10 2009, 22:46:40 UTC
Aww, Peter *pats*. This is great, a really interesting look into his head, while also feeling very realistic to what could happen on the show.

Oh, like they'd bother with it on the show. I'm still wondering how Peter got back to NYC from the middle of Haiti in, like, a day.

Sure! We always need more fic, and I'm pretty sure the comm rules are Peter and/or Claude, not just Peter/Claude.

Plus there are, ahem, undertones. If only in my imagination. Probably just in my imagination.



lotus0kid February 10 2009, 23:03:45 UTC
Well, barring some new big thing happening, I don't really see how they can avoid it, because, as you point out, these guys have basically no assets and a ton of liabilities. All they can do is run.

Pssh, anyone versed in Plaude can hear the undertones loud and clear, don't even worry about that.


visiblemarket February 10 2009, 23:05:13 UTC
Well, I guess we'll see. The writers have been being pretty good about stuff lately though. I'm shocked.

Hee. Well, I'm sure that'll help, then. Everything has Plaude undertones in my mind these days.


lotus0kid February 10 2009, 23:13:35 UTC
I think they're really focusing on the characters this time- not leaping to the next big fight. So that's encouraging.

Ha, no kidding. I joined fanmix a little while ago, and my two requirements for whether or not I download something is (A) if I know and like the song already and (B) if it's Plaude-y.


visiblemarket February 10 2009, 23:16:21 UTC
I know! And it makes me so happy to see that, and then I read some other people's reactions and everyone's complaining about the lack of cool power usage. Which doesn't even make sense, given that...they used them quite a bit this time around.

Hee, I just joined that as well. Some pretty good music, I've found. And also very Plaude-y. Or at the very least Claude-y.


lotus0kid February 11 2009, 00:13:54 UTC
Oh for pity's sake. There's just no pleasing some people, that's for sure.

I've found a ton of songs I remember liking from the radio or a movie/TV show, but didn't want to buy from iTunes for one reason or another. I snagged "Strange and Beautiful" from someone's fanmix.


visiblemarket February 11 2009, 00:37:39 UTC
Really, at this point, I'll just go with Jack Coleman himself's advice: As the volume goes on, I have great stuff to do. I'm enjoying this volume immensely. For those who are not enjoying it, may I offer a small piece of advice? Walk away and shut up. Oh, but make sure you leave your Nielsen box on and tuned to NBC. I think that's a fair trade-off.

Hee. I totally have "Strange and Beautiful" from someone's fanmix. In fact I'm pretty sure I have it from two fanmixes.


guanin February 11 2009, 01:23:27 UTC
*jumps in* I officially love Jack Coleman. Seriously. The man is awesome.


visiblemarket February 11 2009, 01:27:50 UTC
The man is fantastic. And a Red Sox fan, so good people, overall.


guanin February 11 2009, 02:10:15 UTC
Red Sox, huh? Wrong Sox for me, but I find it amusing that both teams broke their loosing streaks in consecutive years. The Cubs almost did it, but that was the Red Sox's year. Oh well.


visiblemarket February 11 2009, 02:14:39 UTC
Hee. I'm honestly not a huge Red Sox fan but I have friends who are.


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