Title: Settling Down
Fandom: Heroes
Characters: Claude, Abby, Lee, Sarah, Peter
Word Count: 1732
Summary: Well, there's a wedding, and some people discuss things, and some people make out. In this bit, there is dancing.
Rating: PG13
A/N: Fluffy as hell bit of wish fulfillment. I have nothing else to say for myself.
And then you move. )
Comments 4
Glad you enjoyed it, and I can't wait for whatever you've been turning over in your head for ages now ;) Thanks!
Heh, well, actually, Caffè Nero was what I'd been turning over. But now I have a couple other ideas I'm ruminating on, one short, one potentially long...
Heh, that's what I get for waiting to read/answer comments. But it was wonderful so I would have been looking forward to it anyway :D
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