Police Shooting Police Dog Shot xxx teen

Jun 01, 2007 00:51

"Police Shooting Police Dog Shot xxx teen" on Google Video

Okay, that below is the "caption" that goes along with it, the only other information I have found on this is from...::mutters in embarresment ::Ebaums...Over 80 shots were fired at him and the dog. The dog, i'll say again-The dog was rushed to the nearest animal hospital, while the HUMAN BEING was alone left to bleed to death.
Goodnight all, plesent dreams.

Man is in standoff with police and sees the Police dog being released. He moves and throws his cell phone at the dog. Police shoot him and the dog.
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Equipaggi è in colonnetta con la polizia e vede la polizia inseguire essere liberato. Sposta e getta il suo telefono delle cellule al cane. La polizia spara lui ed il cane. Le pistole che sparano il brutality della polizia di violenza di omicidio di morte pwned il sesso xxx CIS
Équipez est dans l'entretoise avec la police et voit la police poursuivre être libéré. Il déplace et jette son téléphone de cellules au chien. La police tire lui et le chien. Les pistolets tirant la brutalité de police de violence de meurtre de la mort pwned le sexe xxx CIS
Bemannen Sie ist in der Distanzhülse mit Polizei und sieht die Polizei, freigegeben werden zu verfolgen. Er verschiebt und wirft sein Zelle Telefon am Hund. Polizei schießt ihn und den Hund. Die Gewehren, die Todesmordgewalttätigkeit-PolizeiBrutalitäten schießen, pwned Geschlecht DIESSEITS xxx

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