Feb 06, 2011 21:44
Maybe not "lost" exactly, but exhaustion has definitely jumped into the race.
So my internet has been down for about a week. But I haven't updated in a much longer time than that.
February has been renamed on the calendar at work several times, but to me, the one that sticks is "The Black Month of ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHhhhhhhh... "
"Puss in Boots" is actually going pretty well. I've learned the Japanese word for "props" (kodougu) and made what has been by far my most disgusting/triumphant props: Two roast pigeons on sticks. I made masks for 4 ogres, two lions and a dragon. I feel like I didn't do the dragon justice, considering the effort put in by her parents (her costume has scales and a tail! My mask is made of construction paper) We had the dress rehearsal on Saturday.
Yes, Saturday. This was the second Saturday in a row on which we worked to make up for two days we'll have off this week. I'm so tired physically and mentally from all the work we've been doing. We stayed at work until 6:30 on Saturday for a meeting after school about the big recital at the end of the month.
And today, I had my black belt test in karate.
I've waited over a year for the chance to take this specific test. I've been doing karate for 5 and a half years. I love karate. Everyone knows me there, so everyone was cheering me on. One of my teachers muttered "Do your best." in English when it was my turn to do the combination and kata. Muttered because he was technically proctoring this exam and doesn't usually talk to anyone directly other than barking commands for the test.
I was invited to the after party, but was just too exhausted to go out drinking and yakiniku-ing tonight with work tomorrow.
I find out whether or not I passed when I go in to practice on my own tomorrow.
english play,
puss in boots