Nov 29, 2004 11:20
Finally got gnumeric to work properly on my box at work. It used to show me weird glyphs whenever I used to try importing an Excel worksheet, building from CVS seems to have fixed that :)
I didn't see that problem on arwind's box even with the release version, my earlier theory was that it was a problem with my locale-setup (because of some of the debug messages that were being printed), but since it's working I can only wonder if that was because of some 64 bit issue. I use an AMD64 workstation :)
I know many people have often commented on how sad it is to use/send documents in proprietary formats. With spreadsheets the problem is even worse than with doc files. The only common denominator between the various Open Source Spreadsheet tools is M$ Excel format X-(
XML seems to have created more problems that it has solved: OpenOffice, KOffice and GNUMeric all use different compressed XML based formats. I would think migrating between them would be a resonably simple XSLT job, but unfortunately only GNUMeric seems to have any sort of import capability for spreadsheets stored using another OpenSource application.
The lack of standards in the world is truly depressing. Yesterday I found out that the DVD writer on my laptop will not write to DVD-R dics (as opppsed to DVD+R). Frankly, this kind of bickering is often pointless and very lossy to the end consumer.
Flash memory is another area where chaos rules. Try using memory with another one. It's very frusturating. Only Sony seems to have achieved any amount of sanity with their memory stick. But then again it doesn't (really) work with non-Sony devices.