And So....

Dec 25, 2008 18:36

On Christmas Day, I make an Lj.

And because I really have nothing better to do. I make an entry.

Let's see what to say. For Christmas, I received a lot of perfume. Juice Couture, MTv, and magnolia scented body spray. I wonder if my family members are trying to tell me something...

I also got novelty office supplies. Of course, being the nerd I am, I squeeled like an idiot. (Hehehe....sticky notes!) But the best gift I received was the Metal Gear Solid collection from David. (=D) I have never play the first Metal Gear, so I'm anxios to do so. As soon as I can sneak the PS3 in my room....The PS2 gave up on PSone games a long time a go... (poor lad)

I also got tons of baked good at schools.  Many candy canes too.... um...peppermint....

Over all, Christmas was very nice. However, I was very disapointed with the weather. It was very warm. I was expecting to feel the numbing cold when I woke up, but instead, I had to turn on the fan. >>''

So to  everyone (if anyone) who read this, how was your Christmas Day?

holiday, christmas, rant

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