Life and all the rest of it.

Apr 09, 2008 11:14

Well, the big thing right now for me is that I'm job hunting.  Well, maybe hunting isn't quite the right word.  I've put my resume on Monster, and so far I've had two Japanese headhunting companies call me.  So that's good.  Hopefully something will turn out where I can use my Japanese and keep expanding my knowledge.  Right now, my only real Japanese uses are listening to music, and the random conversations I tend to carry on with myself.  I've been driving my family nuts with that and walking around singing "Ultra Music Power."  I blame that on the sheer amount of volleyball I watched in Japan which resulted in the song worming it's way into my brain.  Anyway, some people don't seem to get that I spent 4 months completely alone except for the rare times I had an appointment or I had to go buy food.  Hell, Jared and I lived two floors apart and we never saw or really talked to each other a whole lot in that timeframe.  So I spent all my time talking to myself.  I've always done that... I just do it more now.

Looks like Nova/G-Comm/G-Edu (or whatever the hell the freaking company's name is now) has done even more screwing people over since I left.  I finally got around to e-mailing Roald (my aam that I'm keeping in touch with) and he told me that Nova went on the rampage saying that all the foreign management were deceitful and untrustworthy and a whole bunch of other shit.  So Roald and about half of the other foreign management staff quit.  Not that I could blame them.  I guess it's a good thing they decided not to hire me.  I do have to wonder about one of my friends over there though.  If he's one of the ones who quit or if they don't re-up his contract, I seriously could see him crawling into a pint of beer and forgetting to come back out again.

I have just over a month before I go to this reunion thing that's for LC Players.  LC Players being the advanced drama class/troupe that I belonged to my junior and senior years of high school.  There are a few people that were in it that I'd like to see again.  Plus my showing up will really piss off Kathleen (the drama teacher).  She developed a bit of a grudge against me near the end of my high school career.  But oh well, her perogative, and I know it's because she was jealous I accomplished something she couldn't.  The fact that I was the first person to ever graduate from Lawrence Central High School with the status of Honor Thespian is something that I'm still incredibly proud of to this day.  Because I worked my ass off for it, and God knows that Satan, Kathleen, didn't make it easy on me.  Also, maybe going to this thing will help me get in touch with the one person I really regret losing track of from drama and everything.  Kathleen's stepson, Steve, was my little brother, and she ended up forcefully ostracizing us from each other, and Steve's father (who actually liked me) did nothing about it.  I miss my baby bro.  We had such fun together.

Ah well, such is life.

japan, jobs, reunion

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