Nov 11, 2023 21:12
Not seriously unwell, thank god, just "have lurgy" unwell.
Other than that, I watched the news from the UK today with the far-right marching to "protect" the Cenotaph & going out of their way to attack the police - the day after the home secretary went out of her way to stir up the chaos.
Personally I think she's a nasty piece of work and is doing this in order to be sacked & be safely on the back benches when the electoral wipe-out comes next year. When that happens, she's got a good chance of being the most senior tory former minister around who could lead the opposition.
Which means that she'll be whining & raging about woke lawyers & migrants & lefties for the next few years - which is, arguably a good thing: the public is sick & tired of this, so the chances of her actually wining an election circa 2028 is minimal. A Braverman-lead Tory party of all the ideologues is probably going to do even worse in an election than Sunak.
Other than that, there's lots of news to keep track of: an imminent volcano eruption on Iceland, the Ukraine war is effectively stalemated, Israel has been provoked into doing awful things in Gaza (and Netenyahu has yet to take responsibility for missing the original attack, despite the IDF confirming that he had been warned), the Democrats did surprisingly well in the recent 2023 elections, despite the polls - and Trump has announced that, if he wins in 2024, he's declaring martial law, bypassing congress & deporting (literally) millions of people.
Honestly, if the voters in the US don't wake up and realise that Trump is exactly who he says he is (i.e. a thin skinned mob-boss obsessed with his personal grandeur) then they deserve everything they're going to get.