Nov 09, 2005 00:39
Will, You're cool. Nice rant. Granted I hate wal-mart, but they do create jobs like mormans have babys. Can't wait to see more rants
Josh... I think i famous person once said,"THE IDOTS ARE COMING!!! THE IDOITS ARE COMING!!!!" or was that red coats..... ohhh well.
Joe - Drunk posting is fun and dangerous. Don't drink too much buddy
Kevin... Try to keep work and personal life seperate. I'm saying this PURELY as a bussiness man. It is hard to do, but you have gotten alot better. Good job.
Zach - I'll talk to you can a man forget the lube......*crys*
Robin - Stop by sometime. Say hi and take time off from Work/school. Does a bird good.
Kristina - Glad to here things are getting better. See you around... oh yeah, Me, you, Zach, Nikki = Movie/dumplings/ice cream/ my sassy girl on DVD/ girls night. Not sure when but hopefully soon
Nikki - I love you and I will talk to you soon
Randy - How dare you get better than me....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Merrit - EYESHEILD 21... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt - FUN TIME with papers!!!!!! Woot!!!!! Remeber, printers are your friend... untill they jam... office space....
Sarah - Woot for story writings! You write better than me... Maybe I should start to write again.... or not.....*cry*
I guess thats it for now. Good night Yall
Laters - Noah