Jun 01, 2005 19:43
ALright busy week. saw NIN for the first time and the Dresden Dolls who I never heard of before (there for I am a tool). THey both rocked the Dresden dolls chick was quite hot except she did not shave her pitts. But we got to talk to here a bit and she had a cool boston accent. As for NIN I was way impressed there was a 110% given to the performance the whole time. Specil thanks to Anita for getting us like 20 feet from front center. I guess there is a little thing going down at the valut tonight all are invited its a buddies birth day and he is leaving in a few weeks.
THe five things I do to chill
in no particular order.
1. Kill the punching bag/ work out
2. Ride motorcycle while jaming on IPOD
3. Get a little stoned and play some guitar
4. Drinking and halo is alway fun
5. get lost in classical with only candle light or meditate to ocean music.