Lots of Good Busy-ness

May 20, 2009 14:09

For those who didn't hear some other way, I was out of town May 8-18 for "The Great May Move."  Flew to Oakland, CA and picked up a 17 foot U-Haul truck.  Loaded my son from the Berkeley house he's been living in during his year internship at Berkeley Repertory Theatre, then drove down to Monterey, CA where my mom and step-father live.  They are (probably) moving back to the house they own in Albuquerque, New Mexico toward the end of October.  Spent a delightful weekend, at a Seamus Kennedy concert Saturday night and Mother's Day with my mom and son on Sunday.  Ocean watching and awesome restaurants were required, as always.

Monday drove to Yucca Valley, with a scenic sorta-lost detour through Apple Valley, CA.  Tuesday drove to Tucson, where Chris picked up his furniture from his dad's house.  Wednesday drove to ABQ, where we arrived with 30 minutes to unload Mom's stuff in the U-Haul storage unit she had rented.  Fortunately my two younger brothers were there to help, and we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and met Lee's new dog and saw my niece and nephew.  Thursday morning had breakfast with Chris' aunt, my former sister-in-law, and drove to Amarillo that night.

Friday was short but incredibly windy drive into Oklahoma City.  Met his landlady at his new apartment and unloaded some of the truck before my arms were too fatigued to carry anything else up the flight of stairs to his garage apartment.  That night there was an *amazing* thunder & lightening storm, with some rain to keep things cool Saturday morning.  Got the rest of the truck unloaded; bought "assembly required" futon couch & dinette set with chairs at Target & Walmart.  Returned the truck; took a cab to the airport and picked up a more reasonably sized rental car to drive around town.  Sunday was more errand running and grocery shopping; I think we ended up at Target twice and Walmart 4? times over the weekend.  Got to see the Oklahoma City University campus where he has a full-time staff position as Scenic Technician.  Beautiful, green grounds with soaring brick buildings.  Monday morning we hit the transit station downtown to buy a bus pass and the laundromat, before I returned the rental car and flew back to Tucson, arriving home about 3:30 pm.

Am now back at work Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, but on the road again early Friday morning to head back to ABQ for Grand Outlandish, accompanied by ladyaurelia for her first GOT experience, camping with Kegs End [G].  Back after Memorial Day, on Tuesday, May 26.  Probably home for the rest of the summer (no Pennsic for me this year) - out of vacation time and money, but well worth it!
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