Who still reads this?

Mar 18, 2006 02:48

okay so i've been more than a bit negligent with my posts, or lack there off...

want a recap?

after i came back form my trip, i played hockey and moped around the house and tried to get a job. ... really that's it. (i might or might not have built some lego in that period)

So.... big news... I GOT A JOB a real job. like career style.

So what does this mean? for one thing, MONEY. and money equals high tech toys and a camera (so maybe this'll just turn into a photo journal?)

Also... for anyone that still remembers back to my previous work days... work is entirely proportional to amount of posting... does this mean i'll post as much as before? i don't know. maybe.

one last thing. for people saying i'm jumping on the V for Vendetta bandwagon, i resurrected this icon. i had this back in 2003. so suck it.

England Prevails! (only if you go get off your butt and watch the movie)
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