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Mar 17, 2007 23:00

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Largemouth bass

You scored 58 adaptability, 50 extroversion, 58 dominance, and 55 love of warmth!

Largemouth bass are by far the most dominant warmwater fish. Give them a lake with a few weeds somewhere, and they will thrive. They are able to tolerate reasonably cold water as well. Largemouth bass generally hunt alone, and can eat very large prey with their huge mouth. They have a variety of very good senses, which allows them to tolerate various water clarities, from the muddiest water to crystal clear water.

You never seem to lose your cool. No matter how bad your situation gets, you always manage to see the positive. You are able to think things through for yourself, and don't need the input of others. This gives you a good ability to lead, which you could, but usually don't take full advantage of.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on adaptability

You scored higher than 99% on extroversion

You scored higher than 99% on dominance

You scored higher than 99% on love of warmth

Link: The What kind of fish are you Test written by auscanman11 on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

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