Crazy Exciting Movie Update!

Jan 03, 2007 10:04

Director Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run) has made a film adaptation of Patrick Suskind's novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, which was screened recently here in NM at the Santa Fe Film Festival. I just received the movie listings for the week of 5-11 Jan., and it appears as though Perfume will be shown at Century Rio 24!
This is a story so vivid and brilliant about such an elusive subject (the essence of scent) that both Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese swore it would be imppossible to translate to the big screen. Savvy readers will remember that I just recently finished the novel - a book, mind you, I have been "meaning to read" for over a decade - and fell heads over heels in love with it. I have given away two copies of the paperback to friends in the last two months.

In short, I MUST see this film in the theater. Mustmustmust.
Would anyone care to go with me? I would be more than happy to pay for your ticket.
Trust me... you'll thank me in the end.

books, friends, movies, film, authors, questions

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