Beef. Its What's for Dinner.

Jan 18, 2012 23:10


What luscious looking food is this?

You might be surprised.
Say hello to mechanically separated chicken. It’s what all fast-food chicken is made - things like chicken nuggets and patties. Also, the processed frozen chicken in the stores is made from it.

Basically, the entire chicken is smashed and pressed through a sieve - bones, eyes, guts, and all. it comes out looking like this.

There’s more: because it’s crawling with bacteria, it will be washed with ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be reflavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color.

But, hey, at least it tastes good, right?

VIRAL NOTES: Me, personally, I don't think this is going to be much of a deterrent. While I won't be able to eat processed foods, for long (new workout cycle), this doesn't scare me.

However, I think this has excellent potential as a great food source. Remember the movie "Soylent Green"? ( I think this would be a great, economical way of feeding prisoners. Add in some vitamins and minerals, and you've got Soylent Pink. For the purists, you can add in plankton, and now you've got classic Soylent Green. A lot of food gets wasted, sometimes, and this is the way to stop that. Cows aren't fully consumed, and neither are pigs. After the trip to the butcher shop, they can sell their leftover cow carcasses, pig carcasses, deer carcasses, chicken and turkey carcasses and even whole fish to companies that make this. With boosted protein, vitamins and minerals, this would be perfect for keeping prisoners well-fed (naturally, I'm not suggesting skipping the decontamination phase). This would reduce the complexity of feeding prisoners, as well, as there would be no more need for kitchen staff, drawn from the bloodthirsty ranks of the prison general population. Just imagine a soft-serve machine, a recyclable cardboard bowl and an equally cardboard spoon. Walk up to the machine, fill your bowl and go sit down. When they run low, a truck comes on the grounds, backs up to the wall, connects a hose and pumps more into the prison's tanks. When prisoners are good, maybe give them ramen flavor packets. Maybe even chill it, given them sugar packets, and that will be their soft serve ice cream. Otherwise, no. No flavor packets. Eat it straight. Sure, there'll be some smuggling, but just make sure guards crack down.

This should be circulated to private and government prisons, military prisons and to Navy ships, for use in the brig. Those fat prisoners at Guantanamo Bay?

We'd be saving a lot of time and money to start feeding them this. If they don't want it, tough. One of their little mullas (or whatever they call them) can declare it halal. (So you probably shouldn't tell them about the pig meat.) Now, I would not use this for, military personnel, astronauts or students, but I would make it available in stores. Also, given good enough flavor packets, maybe it might be a good contract with UN relief agencies to feed the millions of starving across Africa and the Middle East. It might also make good baby food, with the proper flavor packs. People under house arrest could be further confined by banning them from grocery store trips, in some cases, replacing their diets with deliveries of this.

Just make sure the plants are clean. Stupid workers love to throw things in vats that don't belong there (especially if they think they're hurting prisoners). Also make sure the animals are dead. Worms could also be used, considering they're high protein. Don't forget to make sure quality animals are used. After prisoners across the world have started eating this, it would be a bad time to find out that 1 or 2 of the carcasses had mad cow disease.

Don't want to eat this for 25 to life? Don't become a felon.

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