Nov 17, 2009 22:38
I went to see the doc again the other day 11/6.
I was so tired and in so much pain because the meds he had given me ran out because the prescription had only been for a month and that month was over.
He said the MRI was good, they didn't see any inflammation on my back which he says is a good thing.
He told me the cracks on the lips could be from another vitamin deficiency. He told me to take multi-vitamins, to see if that helps.
He told me there was really nothing I could do for the fatigue. Just the usual: keep a regular sleep schedule. Eat good meals, stay away from caffiene. He said that the fatigue could be from the disease, that my body is working overtime to keep me going. I told him that my hand was hurting again, this time, consistently. But upside, he didn't take blood this time around. He did strongly urge that I think about the methotrexate. :(
He told me to start taking my multivitamin and see what that does.
He prescribed me diclofenac aka Voltaren (11/6)
The Voltaren was not working at all, so after a week of not feeling good, I called to see if there was anything else I could do for the pain, and he told me to stop taking the voltaren and he prescribed me oxaprozin aka Daypro(11/13). I'm not sure it's working but I'm tired of spending money on medicines that don't work.
My right shoulder has been hurting, I'm hoping that's temporary.
Until next time...