Needy Guests

Jun 25, 2009 21:04

I kinda hate needy guests. People who, I am POSITIVE are wonderful and nice, but just bug me. I know it's my job, and I know I shouldn't complain but these subcategory of people drive me up the wall. Every five minutes with something new to ask, tell me, or complain about. My room is too cold, now it's too hot, how to I get to these five different buildings on campus without walking?, do you know how late the bookstore is open?, why is not open later?, don't they know that this conference was coming in? UGH!

Doc Update:
Anyway, I went to the doctor again today. I'm not getting enough vitamin D (yes I've actually spend time outside, so it's not that), so I'm gonna start taking some multivitamin to help with that. He said my ANA retest came back negative (yay!) but he said my white blood cell count was elevated, which granted could have been because I had a little cold that week but just be sure they took some more blood, and more ruling out will be done. He had me get some x-rays done but he didn't tell me why. Anyways, my check up is a month from now, we'll see what he says then.


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