Dec 29, 2012 00:43
World of Warcraft: 40$
Monthly Payment: 37$
Hours of Enjoyment: Need Sleep
Level 44 Mage: Interesting
Posting on a Live Journal for the First time in almost 8 months: Priceless.
Ello all, been a spell, no? Not much has changed in my life as of late. Pretty much, all I do is work, play WoW, hang with friends, and roleplay. I guess I rip off mastercard commercials aswell. I actually 'talked' with someone I had not for over a yearish I think, Drako was his name. I have been so many places in my mind than the past that I did not remember him at first. Welsh, and various other nationalities, I suppose I really should go to that odd thing known as bed. Staying up to one A.M. before you have to get up at Five Thirty for work is normally a bad idea. Espcially, if you have to work with people.