Sep 11, 2006 19:38
Once, there were kings. Kings of the Carnival Creation, to be precise. They had A Succubus In Rapture. She was on the Devil's Path to Mourning Palace. She arrived in Death's Embrace, and was Spellbound by the Devil. There she met the Master of Disharmony, the Tormentor of Christian Souls, the Antikrist himself.
"There are Lepers Among Us", he told her, "they stand in Fear and Wonder during the Night Masquerade. There is one who tells me Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse. During Stormblåst, within the Moonchild Domain, the Cataclysm Children and the Heavenly Perverse unite...they shout "'Satan my master, we desire Relinquishment Of Spirit And Flesh...For All Tid!"'...but the Reptile arrives at Sorgens Kammer, with Architecture Of A Genocidal Nature, Puritania is relived. For The World To Dictate Our Death," he sighs, "while on Dødsferd I must give up the Broderskapets Ring...but my Nocturnal Fear and Metal Heart lay Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny. I think I shall tell them to Burn in Hell, and Når Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete, Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Til...when Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen...The Blazing Monoliths Of Defiance shall be United In Unhallowed Grace! When Dreamside Dominions strive for Perfection Or Vanity...I shall declare my Allegiance to Hunnerkongenssorgsvarte Ferd Over Steppene. I will be The Insight And The Catharsis among the Masses For The New Messiah! Blood Hunger Doctrine will reign in Sympozium with an Unorthodox Manifesto. We have Absolute Sole Right within The Maelstrom Mephisto. Det Nye Riket will face Chaos Without Prophecy, Behind The Curtains Of Night - Phantasmagoria. Prudence's Fall, at the Entrance to the IndoctriNation...Vinder Fra En Ensom Grav will follow Allehelgens Død I Helveds Rike. For All Tid, Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde. The Promisied Future Aeons, Over Bleknede Blåner Til Dommedag, will suffer from an Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria, a Grotesquery Conceiled Within Measureless Magic. My Eradication Instincts Defined, the Hybrid Stigmata from Vredesbyrd will bring upon Guds Fortapelse - Åpenbaring Av Dommedag."
Okay, so I know that made no sense, but here's the (correct/incorrect?) norwegian-english translations, in order.
For All Tid (For All Time)
Sorgens Kammer (Chambers of Sorrow)
Dødsferd (Journey of Death)
Broderskapets Ring (Ring of the Brotherhood)
Når Sjelen Hentes Til Helvete (When Souls are Brought to Hell)
Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Til (When the Christian Lost his life)
Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen (All light has faded away)
Hunnerkongenssorgsvarte Ferd Over Steppene (The King of the Huns' Sorrow Black Journey Over The Steppes)
Det Nye Riket (the New Kingdom)
Vinder Fra En Ensom Grav (Winds from a Lonely Grave)
Allehelgens Død I Helveds Rike (The Death Of All Saints In Hell's Domain)
For All Tid (For All Time)
Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde (Raabjorn Reflect Ghost-Ship's Mist)
Over Bleknede Blåner Til Dommedag (Over Fading Blue Horizon Until Judgement Day)
Vredesbyrd (Wrath Birth)
Guds Fortapelse - Åpenbaring Av Dommedag (God's Damnation - revelation of the Judgment Day)