Feb 10, 2005 20:51
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
-Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
I love that line. I wish i could run into one of those.
Today I got invited to some party of some person and I, of all people, so gracefully declined. My excuse: I have to work. In Staten Island of all places.Well at least it's tudoring a boy my age, we'll probly catch a movie after. But still, i need to socialize more, seriously, its getting pretty bad. Some guys were trying to speak to me on the subway, they were pretty cute, but I just didn't know what to say...I lost my words (by the way, i go to an all girl school..i know, so saddd..its a miracle i can speak at all). The other day even my "nerdy" friends (i say this with all the kindness of my heart, I love you guys) wouldn't stop talking about what a great time they had at some night at some place they went to. I was pretty shocked that I wasn't invited. They claimed it was a last minute thing. SUUURREEE. I see how it is, you guys wont invite me to any gathering of yours because you ppl strongly believe that I'm ganna get pissed drunk and leave with some stranger and never come back!??? No, you see, if that was the case they would have invited me. Damn, I seem like such a horrible person. I'm not, at least I hope not. I dont have a very good opinion of myself. I should just shut up talking about myself now shouldn't i? sorry.
So how's everyone???Everyone got their reservations all set for monday? I have an interview after school with a college on 5th ave. That will take up about 3 hours of that pathetic day.< talkin about myself again. fuck , im so full of it,right?
has anyone seen that movie Hotel Rowanda????, my english teacher was talking about it, it seems reallly interesting. I think they are playing it at the Angelica...gatta watch that.
I still havnt filled out my FAFSA yet, i better do that soon, im cant afford to lose the opportunity to get money, im too poor for that. Samantha said that maybe I should start modeling again to get the money to afford to go to NYU... you guys know Condorito??..the little cartoon whose feet are always int the air...I was sort of like that, except i was laughing histerically instead of being stupified....that was funny...i never even got money for that shit, it was only a one time thing. The only way they will give me money is if I star in some adult film or something, and not even I, the degenerate, would stoop that low for money.
Roger is ganna be very depressed when I dont get accepted to NYU. I think he has my schedule already planned out. He keeps on asking me if I got the letter yet. That probly wont come till March or April.
It will read something like this:
"After some carful examination of your inconsistant grades, your non-existant activities/community services, and your embarrassing SAT score, we Sincerly believe that you need some serious mental help if you honestly believed that you were ever going to get accepted here... Good day to you."
And that will be that.
But on the bright side, still got into Hartford U, Albany, Buffalo, and most likely Fordham (everyone gets accepted there).
Some bright side...CUNY Queens college make way!!!...here comes the lost cause who is still amazed that she made it through grammar school without being killed.
This is such a downer.
I need some ...pills.
Sweet Tarts will probably do the trick.
i remember when I was 9 i pretended that it was my "medicine" and that I was required to have 2 a day.
I'd have them everyday with a glass of water.
Those were the days. I didn't have a care in the world, and I got away with murder.