Take everything in stride, eh?

Sep 28, 2004 22:35

It's been a few days since Dagger and I left the Celcius. It's been cool, travelling. Me and her. And Choco, but he's mostly been passing out as soon as we get somewhere for the night. Poor guy. We've been so rough on him with all the riding and flying and traveling.

I haven't seen much of anywhere familar lately. It's just been new stuff. Forests, freezing cold places right next to warm places. It's weird. I mean, there was the Ice Cavern back in Alexandria, but that wasn't like, a whole area of RANDOM FREEZING COLD!

...Not to mention the monsters here? Really weird lookin'.

I figured I'd write some stuff down though. Thoughts and stuff. Cuz I can be deep like that.

...And Dagger's still asleep and I don't wanna poke her and wake her up. She looks good when she's asleep. She looks good awake too, but it's like... everything melts off of her when she's asleep. There's no Queen responsibility, no worry... she's just.. Dagger.

I've been thinkin' about everyone who's supposed to be back from the dead too. Wondering of people we know will come back, or if it's just people Yuna and everyone know, because this is mostly their world, from what we've seen.

Well. We'll probably be in Alexandria in a day or so. Stop in and make sure Rusty's doing okay and doesn't die. Espically when he hears our...announcement. Then onto Lindblum. Blank better have that ring with him. I'll kill him if he doesn't.
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