Christie: Tutorial 009

Jul 13, 2007 12:42

A tutorial was requested for this icon:

Photoshop CS // Selective Color // Difficulty: Medium

01. Cropped base (cap by

02. Duplicate the base, set the duplicate to Screen, 100%.

03. Stamp a copy of your icon so far by making a new layer and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E. With this new layer selected, go to Image >> Adjustments >> Variations. Click on "More Magenta" once.

This is just a simple way to adjust the coloring and make the base less blue. You can also do this by making a Color Balance adjustment layer adjusting the cyan and magenta levels.


04. Duplicate the layer you've just adjusted, set the duplicate to Screen, 100%.

05. Create a new Selective Color Adjustment Layer.

My settings were:
Reds: -100 0 +100 0
Yellows: -100 0 +100 0
Neutrals: -14 0 +13 0

06. Stamp a copy of your icon so far by making a new layer and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E. Set this layer to Soft Light, 100%.

07. Add this texture by oxoniensis and set it to Multiply, 100%. With your eraser opacity set to 80%, erase the parts off his face/body.

Do this however you're comfortable. I like using the lasso tool, so I selected the area around his face. You can also use a small brush to do the erasing. It doesn't have to be perfect, so do whatever you're comfortable with.


08. Add this texture by inxsomniax and set it to Darken 100%. Flip it 180° and - using the lasso tool - roughly select every part of the icon BUT the rainbow. Delete the section you've selected, leaving only the rainbow portion.



resources: tutorial, !neversince

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