Jun 19, 2005 19:12
So, I realize I don't have the integrity/will power/virtue to be a good person all at once. So I'm going to (experimentally) try out being a good person a little at a time, one day at a time. Specifically, I've planned my days for the next week to focus around one virtue each:
Sunday: LOVE everyone
Monday: FORGIVE everyone
Tuesday: Eliminate ANGER
Wednesday: Narrow LUST
Thursday: Eliminate WORLDLINESS
Friday: Eliminate WORRY
Saturday: Stop JUDGING
They're broad, general virtues that focus on changing my attitude more than my behavior (like trying not to be hungry as opposed to trying not to eat). So that doesn't mean I'll succeed in actually being a more virtous person each day, but I will be focusing on the inner change, or at least being aware of the impulse that I'm trying to eliminate.
So we'll see how that goes.