I fear my little brother is lost. I don't know what happened to his mind, but sometime in his developmental years all of my father's skewed conservatism siphoned into him and now he is little more than an antagonistic parrot who apparently lives to jab people in the ribs to see if he can get a rise out of them
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"There you go bringing class into it again..."
I said something to that effect, and he accused me of being a "classist" and said that it was "sad I am so bigoted." Guess that applies to you too, hon.
But no, I agree with you. I think "all men are created equal" is a luxury -- considering the tiny sect of the population that can truly experience that notion, but I don't think it should be.
And I do understand that in Texas or Arizona where there is actual violence to be seen from smugglers and whatnot, that there are very definite opinions on this. I'm surprised to hear that your friend holds that one, but it gives me hope. The general sentiment I've seen is "shoot 'em" which is disheartening.
Still, for my brother? This is friggen Wisconsin. They have one of the highest tax rates in the country, and yet these law-abiding people are still there, and have been there for years and are just trying to make it honest under a system that is archaic. Context.
It's the same in Wisconsin, I see, as it is half the rest of the country filled with working-class people. They pay their taxes to the government and support it (quite well, at that!) and don't expect anything but guns in return. It gets under my skin every election year.
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