Time for a tee-oh dee-oh. Otherwise, I will most assuredly forget something. I'm bribing myself too. If I can get 2/3rds of this list done with, I'll let myself load up the legit WarCraft III and play on Battlenet. Time to buckle down!
To Do
- Re-write interview story 'cause the file is gone. :(
- Send it off with last week's clip file.
- Write 500 word Mag story
- Re-read Lieutenant of Inishmore (for the fourth time. 0_0)
- Begin writing proposal for staging Lieutenant of Inishmore without incorporating 5+ gallons of stage blood.
- Write for news blog.
- Write again for news blog.
- Write up clip file on Lieutenant, perhaps?
- Read lecture slides from Commlaw. [not yet available...]
- Revise Swan Review
- Mock the beagle.
- Read 35 pages in Blue Like Jazz [Wait, this is more 'fun' than necessary. Does this count?]
- Relax.
- Sleep.