I smell like coffee and anger.

Dec 24, 2005 00:49

For a while, things at the bucks weren't so bad. I was actually kind of enjoying it. But I came to a realization that I can't stand the teenage girls I work with, because they are in all respects, teenage girls. They are manipulative, insecure, and very very territorial.

For instance, today was spectacularly shitty... but only when ashlee moser came in (teenager number one). It was at this point she thought it was a good idea to:

1) talk about the party a bunch of coworkers will be attending tonight (of which some people were not invited to)... nonstop
2) make several inside jokes
3) use sexual perversion as a device for attention
4) do very little actual work.

I wouldn't normally care, but her clawing for attention interfered with my plans tonight. I really needed to get out of there early... I had lost my cell phone and needed to make plans with a few people before it was too late for anyone to go out. I asked if it would be possible to go home early... and I was denied. Meanwhile, ashlee didn't do ANYTHING to help me close. I was stuck doing all the work by myself. Which puts me in a bad mood doublely so. To top if off, I was not able to do anything because I got off at an ungodly hour.

So I don't know.. I'm tired.. I'm exhuasted... and tomorrow is the last day I'll have to worry about... until monday :(

Fucking Starbucks. Why do I have to work at the store that hires all the teenagers?
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