I was at the global game jam this past weekend. (www.globalgamejam.org, it's basically a bunch of people get together and make a game in 48 hours... IE tons of junk food, no sleep, and hanging with your team making shit non stop for 2 days, it's fucking awesome...)
It really reminded me of why I came out here and what I really want to be doing. Which leaves my current job satisfaction at about fucking nil. Hah.
Here's the game we made:
http://www.globalgamejam.org/2010/my-big-fat-bouncer You gotta go around beating up the dudes without armbands at a punk concert before they get all rowdy and take over the concert... it's buggy, but it's amusing and the audio we got for it is fucking hilllaaaarious.
I'm probably gonna be fixing it up over the next few weeks until it's something I'm a bit more proud of. But I had a fucking amazing team and my roomates really came through and helped us out after they finished up their game and did some extra art for us.
All in all. Fucking amazing weekend (yes... in my spare time... I like to go on no sleep programmer binges with a bunch of random people).
Actually, I got to work with one of my school friends Adam, and we've worked together before so that went _incredibly_ smoothly. I also knew a ton of people at the event from my school and it was just basically a crazy good time with 50 people haha. (we had teams of 5-6 people).
Just one of those weekends where I felt I did something really productive and reminded me what I was really out here for. And that I need a new job... want to form my own indie game studio... :D (sigh... to have infinity dollars)
.... yea :D