Jul 30, 2008 21:06
I've been biking to work religiously for the past month. I'm actually sort of surprised not seeing as many cyclists commuting in the morning. I'm also thankful for the solitude the trail offers me every morning. It's like cycling through an elven forest as I catch glimpses of the Potomac through densely populated foliage. I'm almost convinced there are elves living out there. Maybe one day they will offer me some lembas bread.
I can't wait for autumn. GW Parkway is amazing during that time of year.
Cyclists are very kind too. They will send over a "you okay bud?" every time I'm taking a break for a drink. Maybe they're alarmed by me. I do look very trollish when I'm gasping for air and drinking water like a dog.
It's given me an opportunity to appreciate Washington through a different lens. It's the perfect balance of city and nature.