about time, huh?!

Nov 18, 2007 19:46


i can actually say that i am sort of embaressed to be updating after so much time (well, im not embaressed about the updating part, just about the not apdating part...sorry! ill try to do it more often)
lots and lots and lots of things happened since the last update, but since that was so long ago that i cant even remember everything, ill focus on some of the more recent happenings in the life of aviva levitt:
 chodesh irgun!
i did it! i survived! i didnt go insane! (thats my opinion at least...)
it was hard wor, aspecially having my chanichim in dorms for most of the wee, allthough i must say the teachers strie throughout all of chodesh irgun was a lovely surprise...gave me three days a week with all my chanichim at home instead of two...juuuust great...
we painted, had long and boring staff meetings, laughed for hours, lost lots and lots and lots and lots (i could keep going...) of sleep, and overall had a sucessfull month.
i made some really close friends (when your stuck with someone in a room for hours painting walls that are falling apart, you havnt got a choice but to be nice to eachother...), but i really did have enough...
during the second week of chodesh irgun, rose and i went to see avenue q in tel aviv, in hebrew, and it was hilarious!!!!! (since rose hasnt updated about it i guess i have to).  the actors were extremely talented, they had amazing voices, and whoever sais it wasnt good can shut up, because im not listening to them :)
on the last thursday night of chodesh irgun, i got a phonecall while i was sitting in the office in ateret with my chanichim makng the sniff newspaper. i went outside to answer it, and i proceeded to shriek as my brother in law said "hello aunt vivi".  later that night he sent me a picture of my nephew and i was high on that all of shabbat :)
motzei shabbat was hectic, what with all the plays, and my chanichim putting on the short skits between everyone elses plays. but then afterwards, we had this whole big thing in jerusalem from 1-5:30am. iv never been in the shu at 3am before, and i must say i prefer the people to the rats that come out at night...
on sunday i slept for a couple hours (this is after not having more than 4 hours of sleep at a time since wednsday night-5 whole hours!), and then got up, studied for a test, and got onto a bus to jerusalem to go meet up with the other staff from my sniff.  we had a great time doing things like eating, singing, smacing eachother with empty (and not so empty) coke bottles, and then i went home and actually got some real sleep (slept right through my alarm cloc- 13 hours strait :) was nice).
on thursday, my nephew had a brit, and is now called mordechai gedalyah, instead of just baby gillman.(mordechai after my brotherinlaws father, gedalyah after my grandfather). i have no idea what theyr going to use as a nickname, i just hope they consider the fact that its actually the ids name, and not to call him anything to painfull...
shabbat in rechovot was really nice, got to see almost everyone, and i didnt have to babysit my brothers at home...
i have these weird thing in my eyes that wont go away, so i went to the doctor today to chec them out. i was planning to tremp home, but seing as the doctor cut said weird things open and i couldnt,and still cant see very clearly, i called my friends mother and she picked me up and too me home (why must these things always happen when my parents are in america? why??)

anyways, i think iv pretty much covered everything for now, it was nice to write it all down...
have a good night!!
---vivi :)

check out some cute pictures, courtesy of facebook:


and also--sorry if the letter "k" is missing in a bunch of words, but the key on my keyboard for k is broken, therefor i have to slam my finger on it for it to work....
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