My family is cleaning out my grandparent's house. While going through their attic they found a large collection of books that were given to my grandfather back when he more frequently did house painting and delivered papers. So far I've gone through 4 boxes worth of books. Most seem to have been printed around the 1940's and range from a few classics to trashy romance novels (of the 40's) to religious texts. Most also seem to have been discarded by libraries. If anyone is interested in any of these, let me know. They're free and need a new home.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (Nineteenth printing November 1940)
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo (Translated from French, 1943 printing, abridged?)
How to write and speak Effective English by Edward Frank Allen
The Public Speaker's Treasure Chest by Herbert V. Prochnow
Stories of Famous Operas by Harold Vincent Milligan
Addresses of John Hay
Medical Center by Faith Baldwin
Letters to Jack by Francis Clement Kelley
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
A World Within by Upton Sinclair
The Way to Vocabulary Power and Culture by Wilfred Funk
This Man and This Woman by Katharine Brush
Claudia and David by Rose Franken
The State vs. Elinor Norton by Mary Roberts Rinehart
Friday's Child by Janet Lambert
Donna Parker at Cherrydale by Marcia Martin
Pied Piper by Nevil Shute
Enchanted Oasis by Faith Baldwin
Jack London, Sailor on Horseback by Irving Stone
Alabam' by Donald Henderson Clarke
The King's General by Daphne du Maurier
Early Autumn by Louis Bromfield
Christ in Concrete by Pietro Di Donato
Fundamentals of Salesmanship by R.G. Walters
The Mirabilis Diamond by Jerome Odlum
Each Man's Son by Hugh MacLennan
From Ghetto to Glory: The Story of Bob Gibson by Bob Gibson with Phil Pepe
Adventures for Readers Book One
Adventures for Readers Book Two
The Love of Julie Borel by Kathleen Norris
To Love and To Cherish by Elizabeth Carfrae
Grand Hotel by Vicki Baum
The Unvanquished by Howard Fast
The Iron Mistress by Paul I. Wellman
The Long Love by John Sedges
Harriet by Elizabeth Jenkins
Two o'clock courage by Gelett Burgess
The Strange Case of Lucile Cléry by Joseph Shearing
Bulls, Blood and Passion by David Williams & The Sinful Ones by Fritz Leiber (two books in one)
The Chastity of Gloria Boyd by Donald Henderson Clark
The Wall by Mary Roberts Rinehart
Alimony by Faith Baldwin
Donna Parker in Hollywood by Marcia Martin
The Spanish Cape Mystery byEllery Queen
Kitty Foyle by Christopher Morley
Tally's Corner a study of Negro streetcorner men by Elliot Liebow
The White Cockatoo by Mignon G. Eberhart
Time to Remember by Lloyd C. Douglas
Overload by Arthur Hailey and Sphinx by Robin Cook (Best Sellers from Reader's Digest Condesnsed Books)
Sand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran
The Magic of Words (not a book, but rather a pamphlet to sell a course by Funk & Wagnalls)
The Flag of our United States by James A. Moss
Doctors Anonymous: The Story of Laboratory Medicine by William McKee German, M.D.
Manual of Cardiology by Thomas J. Dry
Commentary on the Sunday Lectionary: First Sunday of Advent to last Sunday of the year Year C by Peter Coughlan & Peter Purdue
Commentary on the Sunday Lectionary: Cycle A: First Sunday of Advent to Last Sunday of the Year by Peter Coughlan & Peter Purdue
Pageant of the Popes by John Farrow
God Within Us by Raoul Plus, S.J.
Character Calendar by Sister M. Fidelis, S.S.N.D. and Sister M. Charitas, S.S.N.D
How to Make Us Want Your Sermon by O'Brien Atkinson
We Celebrate Hymnal
Thoughts for our times: sermon outlines for sundays and holydays
My Mass Book: A Young Catholic Missal by Rev. Demetrius Manousos