May 23, 2009 08:54
They do make me a happy chappy..The howling windy rainy week we've had has been nothing short of magic..Has done wonders to my morale. Sometimes I think Queensland gets just a little too spoiled with the whole 'sunshiney day' thing..There's some music you just can't listen to on a fine day....just try listening to Jesus & Mary Chain in the fine doesn't work. It's grey, cold and wet out right now, I've got Some Candy Talking on right now it's all making sense.
Tis another weekend of We All Want To and tomorrow in the studio rehearsing and preproductioning for our sessions with Magoo next month. Toddka should just have just about arrived from Melbourne and it's squeeeeee factor 15 because we all get to be in the same room again.
Ok..time to rustle up some organisational power and get ready for the day. There is more coffee to be drunk and I think at some stage I'll have to do a quick swing by Hydes to pick up some percussive accessories.
Check in with ye all later possums.