If it's vegan recipes and product reviews you seek, click
here to go to my public food & cooking blog (It's a community, but it's functioning as a personal blog). Feel free to watch or join the community, but I'm the only one with posting rights since I'm using it as a blog.
To receive access to my personal journal, please post a comment to this entry telling me who you are (how you got here), and a tiny bit of general info about yourself so I know who I'm letting in. Also, please let me know that I can trust you to not post links to my journal, links to specific things I've said in my journal, or copied text from my journal anywhere on the internet. What is posted under lock and key stays under lock and key.
If you used to have access to my personal journal and now don't, I cleared some people off of my friends list on 4-30-2008 if I hadn't seen you around in awhile and thought you were no longer on LJ (or no longer reading). If you want access again, just comment here and I'll reinstate you.