Application Post - Deadline: November 5th

Oct 04, 2005 10:04


There are 4 categories here on virtual_santa to make it easier for people with similar interests to be paired up. If you choose more than one category, you will be paired with more than one person and will receive gifts from more than one person. Also, when defining your wishlist, be sure to put a few things for each category so your giver has a lot to choose from.

If you're feeling particularly giving, you can opt to be a giver to more than one person without being in more than one category. If you are in more than one category and STILL wish to give to more, please specify which category/categories you want to give extra gifts for.

Asian music artists are still under the Music category, but I will split the Music category into different genres for convenience's sake. Animanga, Videogames, and Movies/TV, since the images are more easily-accessible, will not be split into subcategories. This is why you must have a variety of things on your wishlist--if your giver doesn't know what Saikano is, for example, they can still make you Naruto icons.

I cannot stress enough that you have to be very specific with your wishlist. If, for example, Roy Mustang is your favorite FMA character and you want only icons of him, say so! If you want Lost general series icons, but hate Shannon and don't want anything with her face on it, say so! But have a variety of things, too; list as much as you can for each category you're applying to.

Your giving list also has to be specific, but in a different way. You can list either layout, icons, or other graphics as your gift, but you have to list quantities. Like if you are going to make 10 icons for someone, put "10 icons" on your giving list. On that note. your wish list has to be proportionate to your giving list. If you are only making 2 icons for your person, it is unreasonable to ask for a layout, which takes more time. As a rule of thumb, if a layout is on your wishlist, you have to make at least 10 icons for your assigned person.

You have until November 5th, 2005 to submit an application. From November 6th - November 10th, the moderators and I will be replying to comments with the name of the person(s) you are being assigned. (Translation: having your comments emailed to you would be a good idea!)

To prove that you have read this additional set of rules, next to the phrase I asked you to type as your comment subject, put "nereide". If you don't know what the phrase is, you haven't read the rules carefully enough. Yes, I know this is a lot of rules and regulations, but I want this to run as smoothly as possible.

Application Rules - Reply with the following in a comment + the correct subject:
1. LJ username
2. Category/Categories - Animanga, Videogames, Music, Movies/TV [you can have more than one]
3. Preferred method of contact - your AIM/MSN/ I can get you the name of your person
4. Gift List
5. Wish List
6. Anything Else? - do you want to be assigned more than one person, do you have any further comments, etc.
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