Dec 10, 2005 02:15
After running across the street and nearly being hit by a car, Mike is bombarded with Aditya's well placed snowball attack. Aditya attempts a melee assault, shoving as much snow in Mike's facial area as possible. Shortly thereafter, an 8 year old kid pelts both of them in the head with snowballs. What did the kid have to say for himself? "Ohhh... double shot foo!"
Waiting for the movie to start, the following conversation took place:
Funny girl #1: So what's this movie rated? G? PG?
Funny girl #2: PG... you know, because of all the sex...
Funny girl #1: Oh yea, the Lion and the wardrobe get it on. Or was it the Lion and the Witch in the wardrobe.
Humorously enough, during the movie, the witch and the lion go into a tent together for approximately 3 minutes, and we never get to see what they do. Narnia, land of half-man, half-goat sex? Only Aslan will ever know.