we had a great game last night. it again came down to the very last at bats....heart attack games geez! we managed to tie the score with 1 out and just needed one run to win. we had a pop fly that was caught, but our coach tagged up on 3rd and managed to run home to give us the win. since we were last up the game was ours at that point!! phew!
i managed to catch like 5 throws to home from the outfield or 2nd to get the runner out, and i had a good hit to outfield. i scored 1 run.
we are getting new jerseys soon and they're using the logo i designed. hehe. it's my
edit: i am also getting 2.5 hours of work on my ink tonight. hopefully it will be finished in that amount of time. i may just go to 3 hours if he isn't booked right after me, if it means finishing it.