Jun 03, 2005 10:09
Tryin to pump some Orgy (atm anyway) into my head to wake up a few more brain cells, but ugh, im still tired after SEVEN hours sleep... Of course naturally it was disrupted sleep, but ehh, oh well, it happens.
As for my BTs, Dracula is sitting at 71% and Deader is sitting at 74%, so im quite happy with that. Im also quite happy that Deader overtook Dracula (despite its 2 hour head start), so both have 200 MB or under left to download. So, i shouldnt get bored for a few hours today, thats for sure.
As for today, hrmm, not sure, looks like crap outside, although ive got a phone call to make to some handy man dude and make a trip to the PO to drop something off. Heh, i really need to get some new hobbies, Yessss...
That reminds me, i cant be arsed getting that weird quiz thing of Catana to plop my in my journal, as yeah, meh...
So in approximately 3 hours, there should be a new post saying either, MWAHAHAHAHHAAA!! DEADER IS MINEEEE!! or alternatively, NOOOOOO!!! DEADER IS NOT MINE!! DAMN FRENCH PORN!!!
Im SO hoping it aint the latter.... >.