Feb 26, 2011 19:42
Things have been a bit difficult recently.
personally and home life mainly. work has been up and down. as per the norm
personally? I've had a shit week or so. the sleep study threw out my sleep pattern so it's all over the place (naps every 2 hours kinda does that to you) and just the general feeling of shittiness and headaches.
brings back quite a few old habits I was in. like thinking or quietly saying a particular name or phrase to get through the day. I use to do that when i was working. most of the time i really struggled through it and i found that my exs name gave me strength and comfort. the whole "makes me feel like it's all worth it" type of thing.
nowadays it's simply a frustrating exercise. fortunately I've slowly trained it all out of my usual thinking patterns. just nearly took me as long as I was doing it (pretty much did it from the time i started working till the time i left the workforce).
As for home? Erics not doing well... thats 3rd round of chemo for ya.
he'll be back in perth tomorrow night (driving him up to bunno for the train). so we'll see how well it's been doing. or not. whatever the case is. it's all in all about a week of tests/new regime. so he'll be up there till Friday evening apparently. woop. fun fun.
Lil has been extra cute recently. she's grown attached to a little pink and purple soft ball. playing with and tossing it around. so cute.
anyways I'm gonna play some games now or watch a movie. really want to relax for a bit, well try to anyways. been hard to do that recently.