Nov 04, 2003 19:17
I missed my weight watchers meeting tonight...actually i am in the process of missing it right now. i've been quite sick for the past few days and i didn't feel like braving the 1/2 hr walk there (let alone walking home) due to the cold. i don't know how i feel about this. i wanted to go. i wanted to get weighed in. i don't feel like i'm letting myself down by chosing to stay home but i'm edgy. i'm scared that as the week progesses that i will start binging because i didn't have my tuesday night dose of moral support.
i joined weight watchers because i was sick and tired of feeling ugly. i was 190lbs...i had dozens of new squirming disgusting red stretch marks all over my stomache...a place i had never had them before...and i literally just couldn't do the stuff i used this is sad because i am only 20 and i was getting out of breath trying to tie my shoes. so i said "fuck it! i REFUSE to accept that this is the way that i am going to be for the rest of my life!" I wanted to be more active, i love being outside...but most of the time it just physically i joined the leauge of overweight women(i suppose there's men too but we don't have any at our meetings). man i had so many reservations, i thought it was going to be all fat weepy middle aged women, but surprisingly no(there are some people there that i don't think need to be there but whatever)! now i weigh only took me 4 weeks to lose 14lbs! and my new eating style has become a habit now! i plan on losing another 10lbs before christmas and my ultimate goal is 145lbs. you progress slows after the first couple of weeks and you lose an average 1-2lbs per bathing suit season here i come!!!
i am extreamly happy with my loss so far, but it's not all smooth's a lot of hard frigging work! there are times when i doubt myself "awww one cookie won't hurt....aww well maybe 2 isn't so bad.....3...." and the week that i didn't lose any weight i was gonna quit...sometimes i'm so scared of failing that i almost don't want to try....but i talk myself out of it...i take it one day at a time.... and so far it's working