Dee Caffari

Aug 16, 2006 21:28

'...reaches Point Nemo; the furthest point away from land anywhere on the planet. Her nearest neighbours are astronauts on the international space station.'

How bizarre is that. It took a while for me to wrap my head around that one, and then I assumed they were being creative with the facts and started digging.

Point Nemo ( point of water furthiest from land ) is 1670 miles from dry land.
The International Space Station orbits at 220 miles.

Here's the kicker, the ISS orbit does indeed pass through the Southern pacific, and over Point Nemo. I don't know how stable that orbit is, I could only get positions for august, but still. Close enough for my reckoning.

Besides that interesting tidbit, a big cheer for Dee... spending a 180 days in a boat, on your tod and doing it the hard way deserves a certain amount of respect.

Aviva Challenge
Point Nemo
... and of course you could Wikipedia them instead.

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