Jul 15, 2008 19:03
I don't really consider myself a superstitious person, I don't have any of those weird little rituals that I have to do because not doing them would be bad luck. Mind you, i've never broken a mirror either, so who is to say it doesn't bring you bad luck?
Mind you, i'm sure most of it is psychological; by believing it to be true, you make it so.
My mother is a little superstitious. She'll do the common ones like the salt over the shoulder one, or the not putting shoes on the table one. Then there's the refusing to cut her nails on a Sunday one, I have no idea where that one comes from.
I guess some superstitions are just something that *everyone* knows, so you just do them, without even stopping to think why.
Children believe in everything. Those silly little rhymes, mini urban legends and superstitions that you'll find in every playground.
"Stand on a crack and you'll fall and break your back"
You might not believe it's true but you follow the rules, do what you must to survive, because you never know, it might *just* be true.
Better safe than sorry.
As a child you actually believe what you're told. It's only as you get older that you learn to lie from your parents and friends. And then, i'm sure, some kids find great pleasure in educating younger children with these 'harmless' little lies, urban legends and superstitions in order to see the fright and awe on their little faces.
Don't deny it, we've all done it.
And how old were you when you stopped looking around for magpies? Still remember that rhyme?