Created a "play diary" tag. Will I actually be diligent enough to blog regularly about my progress? Who knows.
Got around to fiddling with the Crystarium system. And yes, it is basically the Sphere Grid, except that there's a different grid for each of the Optima roles for each character, which is also separated by levels. You can't grind (don't know if enemies even respawn this early in the game) and get to the higher levels from what I can tell; they're made available through story progression. The characters start off with a limited number and different roles too.
Is Snow's new word replacing hero now "Serah"? Seriously, ARGH. On the other hand, I now like Sazh even more because even he got miffed by Snow's ridiculous reasoning.
Hope and Vanille are both characters I would probably get annoyed at if the other wasn't in the game. Vanille keeps Hope from getting too mopey and Hope usually keeps Vanille from being too over-the-top bubbly (though to a lesser extent than the former).
Gil seems to be pretty sparse. You can only get items from enemies it seems. The only gil I've been getting is from the spheres that are the treasure chests of this game. I haven't bought any weapons yet either, though again, on the two occasions I changed weapons, they were from chests.
Speaking of chests, they're not marked on the mini-map, so the game kind of forces you to explore. At least the later areas aren't Hanged Edge bad in terms of map design, but they're still pretty linear.
I'm actually two chapters past what I've written, but these cramps are killing me. Oh well, the less spoilers for others the better.