... I ramble way too much whenever I do this bullet point thing. It's horrible. lol Anyways, typing this on here since I don't want to spam up twitter and I don't care how few people read this anyways.
• I don't hate Serah, but I don't like her either (for now). She seems to have a more secondary character-ish role of enhancing both Lightning's and Snow's characters and backstory; even though it looks like she's quite important to the story anyhow.
• Jeez, I know Snow's supposed to be big (33cm shoe size lol), but that scene where he runs up to Serah and grabs her arm really emphasized it. Doesn't help that Snow's hand practically covers her forearm. I bet there's already some people screaming pedo or rapist, whether they're joking or not.
• Hope "exploding" was pretty awesome, lawl. He sent Snow flying over that rail. Also, Hope's dad seems like a decent fellow. His son probably inherited his temper too, from the looks of it. Don't normally care for "kid" characters (took me a while before I decided that I liked Larsa in FF12) and I don't go for the shota/little boy thing, but Hope seems like he'll be a decent character. Three of the game's conflicts are directly related to him after all; mainly his anger at Snow for allowing his mother to die, his hatred/fear of the l'Cie and, to a lesser extent, Lightning's coldness to him. It does look like she eventually opens up to him since she's shown revealing her past regarding her family to him in this new trailer though. Also, the player can apparently "train" Hope to be more capable in battle or something - sounds like one of those sidequests which span the majority/entirety of the game.
• Still dislike Lightning's short skirt. Even though she's got those high boots, the lower half of her design still looks a bit off to me. Maybe if the skirt wasn't so short or if she was wearing trousers of some kind, I'd like it more.
• I find amusing that Vanille is probably the most mysterious out of the main cast revealed so far. Besides the new character.
• <3 the design of Sazh's summon. The transformation is rather funny too, I mean, it's one of those rugged-looking off-terrain race cars. And one of the attacks is blasting fire from its' exhaust pipes, LOL. The name of it wasn't revealed, but most people have come to the conclusion that it's
Surt/Surtr (rather than Ifrit), since it's special attack is named "Muspell Flame".
• Yaag struck me as the kind of character that Shiozawa Kaneto would voice, at first. Perhaps it's the stern look his character has, since every scene we've seen him in the trailers, he's mostly announcing commands to his troops. His actual voice does fit him well though. Most interesting part was that he said that he understood Snow's and co. position... Damn, kinda hope he's playable even though he pretty much fits the generic silver-haired character mold that Square themselves created, hahaha. I can also see a bit of Saix (from Kingdom Hearts series) in his face. Wonder if he was designed by Ikeda or Nomura?
• Also, the flying craft he was piloting seriously looked like a squid to me. It was the tentacle-like things that shot out missiles that did it. Ika-Robo?
• I hope we get more information about Jihl later on. For being one of the antagonists, her character's personality seems rather shallow at the moment. We know that she commands all of PSICOM, is a scientist and is a cold bitch who doesn't give a crap about other people - but I'm not really feeling her villain... -ness.
• New female character is badass-looking. But uh, other than that, I don't have much of an opinion of her. Would be nice if she joined the party (like so many are speculating), but a small part of me still hopes for Yaag too (lol).
FF13 was pretty much the only TGS thing I actively followed up on (ie. waiting for the trailer) this year. I'm planning on checking out the rest of the games later sometime, once this flood of assignments and projects stops.
Also, no SMT4 or new Zone of the Enders game yet? Yeah, I'm still hoping for the both of them. Want SMT4 because I'm sick of Persona and the SMT side-titles for now. Atlus announced SMT4 for PS3 YEARS ago, but nothing has come out of that yet. And a new ZOE game because I love 2nd Runner's gameplay. The awesome mecha designs too, even with Jehuty's "cockpit" (lol).
I also went back and checked up on some Birth By Sleep info; haven't been keeping up on Kingdom Hearts crap ever since Gaia and boy, I've missed alot. Gonna have to agree with
maiki that Terra is a freaking pimp. lololol. When I saw the part in the 2008 TGS trailer with him and Snow White, I was like "AAAAAAAH RUN AWAY". And apparently he has an attack with Cinderella, which made for some "lol wtf" material for me.
Typed more than I expected, etc. etc.; I should probably go work on my lab that's due on Friday now. Goddamn university. :/