part 104: "I want him scared before he dies."

Aug 29, 2004 21:58

Previous installments are available through my Memories here. (Please make sure the Memory page is set to sort by Description to get the entries in the closest-to-correct order.)

"Glass Houses" part 104/?
By Viridian5

RATING: R. If m/m interaction bothers you, pass this by. AU.
SPOILERS: "Mission 13: Bruch-- Rain of Revenge" and Glühen.
SUMMARY: After Aya's sister dies, Schwarz tries to save themselves and Aya from the mistakes of the Dramatic CDs and Glühen Schwarz tries to save Aya from himself. For their own reasons, of course.
ARCHIVAL/DISTRIBUTION: No, not yet. This is a trial run of a piece of an unfinished fic.
DISCLAIMERS: All things Weiß Kreuz belong to Koyasu Takehito, Project Weiß, Polygram k.k., and Animate Film. No infringement intended.
NOTES: What if Aya's sister had been killed instead of saved? Here's one answer....
I can't blame all of this one on Kasha, but her goading is making it write itself faster, and some things I've put in to please her. Thanks to 'nat for "puisín," which she says probably sounds like "pu-sheen." Inspirational music includes Covenant's United States of Mind, Maya's V Mix the Second CD (Jane Jensen, Kidneythieves, Garbage's "Butterfly Collector," Poe's rock version of "Hello," Kristen Barry's "Ordinary Life," Lacuna Coil), Linkin Park's Meteora, A Perfect Circle's Thirteenth Step, Shriekback's "The Bastard Sons of Enoch," Zeromancer's Eurotrash, and Neuroticfish's "Prostitute."
I am not responsible for any therapy bills incurred as a result of trauma from doing research on things mentioned in this story. If you look up, say, "butter dog porn" on your own, I refuse to take the blame.

"Glass Houses" part 104
By Viridian5

Having spent the night in Aya's dreams with his puisín, Farfarello awoke happy, even despite the lingering pain of his telepathic wounds. At some point the hotel had ended and turned into a train trip. They'd continued to sit together, now in seats. It had been interesting.

He could feel Aya that way. That had been wonderful. Could this be a solution to his problems?

Aya groggily opened his eyes and murmured, "Good morning." So cute.

Excited, Farfarello asked, "Did you enjoy the dreams?"

"Dreams?" Aya looked genuinely confused. That didn't bode well, since his kitten never teased that way.

"I spent time with you. We were in a hotel together and then on a train."

"I think I vaguely remember a hotel. Being with someone. You were actually in my dreams?"

"Yeah." Something that had been meaningful for Farfarello was a dim memory to Aya. Dreams could be like that for the people dreaming them.

Farfarello would not feel disappointed and discouraged. He would not feel hurt. He refused to. God pulled this kind of shit all the time.

"I could try harder to remember," his puisín said.

"No. If they're not there, they're not there. Maybe we can move on Zhulin today."

That put a spark of excitement into Aya's purple eyes. "Yes." Then he looked thoughtful and worried. "But are you all right?" He probably didn't remember Farfarello telling him about the telepathic battle either.

"I'm fine." Not hurt at all.


"Who's knocking at the door?" Crawford asked, then saw it. "Never mind."

"Sometimes you take the fun out of life," Schuldig answered as he brushed his hair.

Crawford opened the door to let Persia and Nagi in. If he'd felt inclined to comment, Schuldig would no doubt say that they looked freshly-fucked, because they did. "Good morning," Persia said.

"You don't need to spend any more time on pleasantries if you don't want to," Crawford answered.

"Good. Nagi said that Schuldig interrogated and killed Zhulin's telepath last night."

That could be a problem with allowing Nagi to sleep with the head of the organization they sometimes accepted jobs from. The air of mild defiance Nagi held as Crawford looked at him would be another. Crawford's look promised Nagi a discussion on it later, while Nagi's answering unimpressed expression could have been taken from Schuldig's repertoire.

"I sucked her brain," Schuldig said. "She won't threaten anyone ever again."

"If we want to, we could move today," Crawford continued.

"That's good. I'd like to wrap this up. I have something I want to run past you first."


"I want Schwarz and Draco to pay him a visit, since our research suggests that if we take him and his highest men out, the organization will fall to squabbling for power. I don't want Abyssinian as a part of this attack."

Crawford could understand the logic in sending only the talented against a man who wanted to own some, and it amused him that Persia had quietly come to him first instead of suggesting this in front of all of Schwarz and Weiß. It also amused him to see Persia using codenames and other distancing tricks. "He won't like to be protected and left out, and Berserker won't appreciate the absence of his partner. Abyssinian was the one specifically attacked."

"Exactly. I want Zhulin confused as to Abyssinian's purpose and final fate."

"You think Zhulin will survive this encounter?" Crawford himself hadn't seen anything either way.

"I want to be covered. If members of his organization survive, I don't want them to know our full power." Persia's expression turned even harder. "I want him scared before he dies. Draco's with you because her pyrokinesis is flashy."

"Just Draco? Where's Fenris in this?" Schuldig asked. Good catch. Also, he didn't seem bothered by Friendly's inclusion in this plan, which surprised Crawford.

"This is also a way for me to test Berserker and Fenris," Persia answered. "It's good for them that they have partners they trust and work well with, but field conditions split partners all the time."

Crawford had been wondering the same about Berserker's stability and seeming triumph over his compulsions. Over the short term he might be fine, but how much of his sanity now rested in Aya's presence and would suffer during a long absence? This wouldn't be long enough to become a concern, but Crawford kept the idea in mind. "Berserker may see this as being retaliatory on your part."

"If so, we'll remind him that Friendly has also been deprived of her partner. That might help."

"It may. A little. Aside from Draco, Weiß won't be part of the assault?"

"No. Zhulin hasn't heard of them," Persia's expression turned wry, "and let's keep it that way if we can. With her talents, Draco could pass as a member of Schwarz to someone who wasn't intimately familiar with you."

"Balinese isn't getting a private head's up?" Balinese led Weiß, after all.

"Balinese and Weiß will follow my orders, while Schwarz is freelance. I came to you to make sure there was as little friction as possible. Given the situation with Berserker, I thought it best."

Crawford didn't have to be a telepath to feel Schuldig's amusement. "Thank you."

"I've called everyone in. Weiß is in the hotel, while Abyssinian and Berserker should arrive soon. The meeting will be in my room. You said that Schuldig had information."

"He typed it into my computer. I'll bring up the file for you."

This should be an interesting meeting.


Next to Brad, Schuldig leaned against the wall and surveyed the room, noting where everybody was. Standing well within Aya's personal space, Farfarello didn't seem to be feeling any lingering effects of last night's telepathic excursion. At least not to the eye. They were near Omi. Kenken stayed far away from any member of Schwarz. Friendly and Fenris stood neutral between Yoji and Kenken, while Yoji sat on the bed, which put him close to Omi and Nagi. They were all dressed for war.

"The assault on Zhulin will be made today," Omi said.

"At last," Farfarello murmured. He wore the jacket Aya had given him as an X-Mas present. Having seen Farf's avatar just last night, Schuldig kept getting another image of him as a redhead, almost like a flicker. He'd have to get more sleep tonight.

"Schwarz and Draco will go in to take him out."

"What about the rest of Weiß?" Yoji asked.

"You'll sit this one out, on reserve."

"Fine by me. We had a long night."

~ Lazy-ass, ~ Schuldig said to him, and Yoji lazily flipped him an obscene gesture in response.

"What about Fenris, sir?" Friendly asked. Wearing clothing that actually fit her made her look thinner, more attractive, more feminine. She had her hair in a braid again but wore a little makeup.

She'd helped train Farfarello. It boggled the mind but made Schuldig a little better disposed toward her. A trained Farfarello might resist him but could also defend himself against enemies.

"He's staying with me. I'd like to see how he might use his telepathy in this kind of situation, when he's not on the scene."

Thus Omi laid the groundwork by keeping Fenris out of it first. Smart. Farfarello wouldn't have as much to fight back with when Aya's turn came when it was already obvious that they weren't being singled out.

"He's done that before. In Germany," Friendly answered. Ha!

"I have reasons."

"All right, sir."

"When do we leave?" Aya asked.

"In a half hour," Omi answered. "But you're not part of it, Abyssinian. You'll be staying here."

Schuldig felt a sudden flare of interest come from Yoji. *That* was interesting. What did the kitten have in mind? When he tried to read into it, Yoji flicked him an annoyed look and closed off his mind more. If Schuldig wanted to read more, he'd have to chisel, and that would be a declaration of war if he got caught. In a room full of telepaths who knew him, he might get caught. Had Friendly taught Yoji that? Schuldig felt a bit less well-disposed toward her now.

Aya had to hold Farfarello back. But he didn't sound much calmer when he said, "I thought we already went through this and resolved it."

"We want to keep him off-balance."

"Alek saw me out last night, so Zhulin probably knows that I'm alive and uninjured."

"Zhulin wants psionics. Let's show him that. Most of the fighting will probably be done with telekinesis and pyrokinesis, which means that you wouldn't be able to do much either."

Beautiful. Farfarello had to hear that subtle suggestion that Aya would get hurt in this battle if he went in, which would prod his strong protective streak. Sure enough, Farfarello looked more concerned now.

"I refuse to stay," Aya said.

"I agree with Persia's reasoning," Brad said, and Aya shot him a betrayed look. Schuldig wanted to snort in amusement but controlled himself.

"This is such shit," Farfarello growled. "Of all of us, Aya has the most reason to go in to hurt him."

"That's another good reason to keep him here. This isn't about personal vengeance," Omi said. "The vengeance just makes it sweeter. I don't have to worry about you slipping out without orders, do I, Aya?"

Aya stiffened even more. If he stiffened more than this, he might shatter. "No. I'll follow orders."

"Good. Abyssinian, I have the utmost respect for your abilities, but not every job requires every team member. You know that."

"Yes." Aya sounded annoyed at being reminded of it.

"It would be good if you stayed around here, in easy distance if something comes up."

Brad's eyes narrowed, and Schuldig shared his suspicions. Did Omi have some lingering ideas of convincing Aya to come back to the Weiß fold? Keeping him here amidst the original members of the team could lead to those nostalgic conversations. Nagi looked a bit suspicious too. Good to know the kid didn't let his heart and dick do all the thinking for him now. They'd have to see if Omi pulled any tricks.

Not that Schwarz couldn't destroy Weiß and grab Aya right back. It was just that Aya might be upset seeing his old friends and team members getting ground into the dirt and snuffed, and an upset Aya could be more trouble than fun.

Farfarello didn't fight any more, just stewed. Rosenkreuz and Brad had knocked some discipline into him over the years.

"You have your assignments," Omi said.

"No 'hunters of the night, deny these dark beasts their tomorrows'?" Yoji asked.

"I always thought that was over the top."

"Besides," Schuldig said, "we're hunters and dark beasts all at once."


Borrowing Yoji's hotel room, Aya ran through his katana exercises, trying to let the katas calm him. With only the sound of his breathing in here with him, he could vaguely hear parts of a conversation taking place outside the door.

"...can't I...." Ken was saying.

"We don't... to gang up on him, crowd... you know...." Yoji answered

Aya sighed. They were tiptoeing around him, just like in the old days. Aya had liked that then. Now it just made him feel sad.

Finally Yoji came in alone and sat on the bed to watch. They'd all done that before. While all the members of Weiß had been killers, each one had a very different weapon, with a distinctive style necessarily attached to it. It had always fascinated Aya to watch Yoji practice with his wire. Such an elegant and eerily precise weapon, it seemed incompatible with the loud and laidback front Yoji showed to the world. In return, Yoji had seemed to be as fascinated by Aya's sword exercises. Out of respect, they'd always stayed silent until the practices ended. With that in mind, Aya decided to wind it up earlier.

When Aya finished his exercises and sheathed his katana, Yoji said, "That knife marked you up badly."

Aya had taken his coat off, and his shirt revealed his arms. He didn't have his arm sheath on either, though he had still wore his two-gun rig. "It's the last time I duct-taped a knife to my arm. I learned my lesson."

"You seem happier lately."

"What are you fishing for?"

"We worry about you."

"I'm happy, so you worry?"

"You're happy but still not healthy all the way."

"Farfarello is a killer, but so am I. So are *we*."

"He's insane. We don't do it because we enjoy it."

"Don't we?"

Yoji's expression clouded, and he stood. "No. We don't kill for fun."

Aya tried to breathe through his anger. "Why are you pushing this? How dare you pass judgment on me? You fucked Schuldig and Crawford."

"Just as sex, a fling. You've given yourself completely to Farfarello and Schwarz. You seem to be happy, but you're living from moment to moment."

Aya's hand itched for the hilt of his katana, but he didn't let it move. "Maybe that's why I'm happy."

"That's not healthy."

"You son of a--"

When Yoji *hugged* him, the urge to kill struck so strongly that it nearly blinded Aya, but he kept breathing it down. This close they could kill each other easily. "Aya, if you're happy I'll back off. I won't completely understand it, but I'll back off." Yoji's voice sounded so soft, so reasonable, so understanding. One of his hands rested at the small of Aya's back and the other at the base of his neck, light and gentle, light enough that Aya wouldn't feel trapped and could break away easily. "But I don't know if you really want it. I don't know if you know whether you really want it. Have you thought about it, really? If you decide that you're not really, that you were just swept up in the insanity and want to come back to us, we'll take you in with open arms. You don't have to feel like you have to stay with Schwarz."

Aya's chest hurt. How could Yoji leave him so angry and upset and touched all at once? "Schwarz would kill you," Aya said into Yoji's turtleneck, right against his collarbone. At some point Aya had put his arms around Yoji too. He didn't know when. Yoji smelled like cigarette smoke and familiar friend and a miserable time of Aya's life.

"We have Elena and Fenris now. We'd put up a better fight than you think. We miss you. You're one of ours. Talk to us."

"I love Farfarello." He did. He'd thought this through already.

Yoji flinched a little but said, "Okay. Is it enough?"

"It has been." But it didn't seem so simple and clear-cut now. Damn Yoji for this.

"Does he cut you?"

"Never on purpose." Aya wouldn't tell Yoji that sometimes Farfarello asked to be cut. It wasn't his business and he wouldn't understand. "Schwarz is family now."

"Let me and Ken take you to lunch. He's doing so much better now. I know you have a cell phone, so Omi could call us if he needs something."

Aya had worried about Ken in Germany, and he seemed to be better now, but it would be good to see for himself. There had been too many people and too much going on at the Christmas party for Aya to tell. Aya had missed Weiß.

But he knew what they intended to do. "I won't let you confuse me."

"I won't do anything evil. We just want to see you. How long has it been since you've been out with people without a member of Schwarz nearby?"

"Since Weiß captured me in Germany."

Yoji colored a little at that, as he *should*, but recovered with "I mean *out*, as in outside. With people who aren't part of Schwarz and no Schwarz people anywhere around."

It was an embarrassing long time. He could hardly count his lone assassination assignments in New York City.

Aya said nothing, but Yoji sensed his answer and relaxed. "Let us take you out. We can make up for Germany. Besides, you invited us to your party, and it was a great party."

Left alone, he would worry about Farfarello and stew over being left behind. And he did want to see how well Ken supposedly was. Besides, his current record made it look as if he were still Schwarz's prisoner instead of a trusted member in his own right. "All right."

"Yeah! You disarm yourself a bit, and we'll go out. It'll be fun."

"It'll be a disaster," Aya murmured.

"Some things never change."


"Sir, I'm confused about what you want me to do," Fenris said as he stood at attention much the way Elena did when in Mamoru's presence. "You know I can do remotes." His Japanese had gotten much better.

"I have my reasons." Taking a good look at Fenris' face, Mamoru asked, "You don't trust that at all, do you?"

"If you grew up the way I did, would you?" It was an honest sounding question, with only a tinge of snark.

"No. I wouldn't." Mamoru still had some lingering bitterness that he'd had to find out for himself that he'd been rescued and recruited into Kritiker by his uncle--who'd turned out to actually be his father--so he understood how trust could be hard to find. "This is actually part of the reason why I separated you from Elena. You'd never talk like this to me in front of her."

Looking annoyed at himself, Fenris answered, "She believes that people in charge don't need to know everything about you. She's wiser than I am. But I'll tell you one more thing about me. Not everything I have was... born with me. They didn't like how I turned out so they kept trying to add things. It was very... painful. Nobody should have to go through that. So I made sure to keep silent and show no... improvement. None. I made myself seem more stupid instead. I think I saved other people."

"I understand what you're saying."

"Good. I feel this very strongly but don't like to have to say it over and over."

Mamoru had to ask, "Did the additions make any improvement?"

"I can pick up bigger things with my mind and see a bit better, but I have less sense of taste and can't hear good out of one ear. I also have numb spots on the back of my head where they fucked up putting things in." He looked fierce, and his voice sounded a little deeper. "Maybe they could have done it better. But they didn't care enough. Care, sir. Care hard." He'd been looking less like a child lately, less... doughy, and now he looked like a dangerous near-adult.

Mamoru didn't flinch, even knowing that Fenris could break most of his bones with a thought. "I do care. Very much. I want to make things better."

Nagi could reduce him to a paste in half a minute. It changed one's perspective on threats.

"You're telling the truth." Fenris lost that crackle of menace.

"Yeah. Where are they now?"

"Still in the car driving. Elena's worrying about Farfarello snapping and thinks Guilty is worrying the same."

On one level, Mamoru worried about the information but on another he worried about how Fenris had gotten the information. "You can read her that easily?"

"We spend enough time meshed that we can do that without anyone else noticing. She keeps a... channel open for me, and she knows you want me to listen now anyway. Guilty wouldn't find it, and he's very good."

That assuaged Mamoru's worry on one count, but.... "Keep watch."

Mamoru had wanted to test Farfarello and Farfarello's relationship with Aya while also giving Aya a chance to be with Weiß. Farfarello breaking down hadn't been anywhere in that plan, though it did answer one question.

"Kitten-Aya will be upset if Farfarello gets broken," Fenris said.

He sure would, and that was the last thing in the world Mamoru wanted.

glass houses

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